Planning Commission

The Planning Commission serves in an advisory capacity with regard to applications for rezoning, conditional uses, and variances within the city limits of Arcade. When needed, the Planning Commission meets on the third Tuesday of the month, at 6:00 p.m., in Arcade City Hall, 3325 Athens Highway, Jefferson, Georgia 30549. Final decisions on all applications are made by the Arcade City Council.

The general purpose of the Commission is to develop, promote, and assist in establishing coordinated and comprehensive planning and to serve in an advisory capacity to the Arcade City Council in the implementation of adopted plans and ordinances.

The Planning Commission shall consist of five members, all of whom shall be residents of Arcade, Georgia. Each member shall be appointed by a City Council member of the City of Arcade. The terms of the members shall be for 4 years and shall coincide with the term of the elected official making the appointment.

Planning Commission Members are:

Angela Smith, Chairperson
  Brandt Bentley
Celena Chatham
John Hennings
Also Planning Consultant, Jerry Weitz, MDA (non voting) and
Zoning Administrator, Kila Quigley (non voting)

If you need additional information or if you have any zoning questions you can call Arcade City Hall at 706-367-5500.